In Mould Labelling Injection Machine Application

In Mould Labelling Injection Machine Application
For the good labelling of the labels on the plastic products, static charging is effected at IML application. Fort his proces dc charging bars and statşc charging generator is used. The system operates as below.A robot existing on the injection machine takes the label from the label batch. The label taken is passed by the dc charging bar is highly static charged. The label charged with static electricity is taken by the robot arm so that once it is moved inside the mould is sticking on the inner surface. Humidity is very important during that process. Adjustment may be required.Second method ,which is common method today, label is taken from the magazine unit by means of a dummy core. By the help of the 5 pins located on the dummy core label is charged so that label is not effcted from environmental conditions as well as less scrap is coming up. Puls offers products and technical support for both methods.